Persona Instructora
Matthew Daniels
Información general
Fechas: Del 12 de enero al 2 de febrero del 2022 (lunes a viernes)
Horario: 8:00 am a 11:00 am
Modalidad: Virtual
Inversión: Gratuito
Inicio de matrícula: 1ero de noviembre del 2021
1- Bachillerato de secundaria
Si desea más información puede comunicarse al con Meylin Arias al correo o al 2511-3351, también puede escribir al correo
Course Overview
Ten days of seminar instruction and lab video content design and development training, including 2 online video projects to be completed (in Spanish and English) during the course.
Students will have optional unsupervised access to the UCR media labs in between classroom and lab sessions to work on video project assignments.
Students who successfully meet the requirements of the course will receive a UCR Digital Human Rights Ambassador certificate.
Students will be trained in the basic principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). They will then be trained on how to create movie reviews and video game reviews that communicate those principles to others in the context of entertaining digital video. Goals and objects of this course include:
• To equip students with digital video communication skills.
• To train students to apply digital video communication skills to modern human rights issues.
• To enable students to engage digital online human rights discourse on current issues.
Contenidos del curso
- Intro to course
- The Dream of Universal Rights
- Universal Rights in the Digital Age
- Freedom of Speech & Press
- Legal Equality for Women
- Totalitarian Regimes
- Human Trafficking
- Privacy
- Digital Tech and the Future Rights
- Project Assignments Review
Documentos importantes
- Instrucciones de matrícula  
- Formulario de inscripción  
- Programa del curso